About Us
As Latino immigrants, we promote inclusion and identity, through flexible educational processes that connect vulnerable communities with social development programs and recognize the diversity of minorities, exalting their cultural heritage.
Through connections with social, cultural, academic and government sectors,
we strengthen the cultural identity and dignity of immigrant communities,
that fight for a better future for their families in USA and families in their native countries.

Sharing and living experiences of positive impact in communities in countries with socioeconomic conflicts identifies us even more with the situation of the immigrant communities to which we belong and encourages us to create connections for personal and family progress. We wish to develop educational processes with allied organizations, which share our ethnic and multicultural reality, in constant change, with the arrival of new residents to our communities.
Events / Programs
Our Services
Our Services
Conexion Cultural
Difusion del patrimonio cultural de la poblacion inmigrante y su relacion con la conservacion de la identidad personal en un pais plurietnico y diverso

Our Projects

Our goal is to share information related to the Latin gastronomic cultural heritage, which reflects the identity of immigrants from different countries through their typical dishes.
Dedication. Expertise. Passion.
Flexible curriculums
Educational campaigns designed culturally appropriate to immigrant communities to accompany their adaptation processes with timely information from reliable official sources.
Update Information
Personal interviews, focus groups, meetings, video testimonials and surveys to characterize communities and socialize support programs in social and economic sectors.
Events, fairs, meetings and celebrations. Help to organize informative tables and tents, exhibitions, which allow the cultural heritage of immigrant communities to be exalted.
Contact Us
CHELSEA, MA - 02150
+1 857 452 4812
+1 617 337 7985
+57 301 527 3816